Thursday, January 7, 2010

Does bathing a dog with an organic itch relief shampoo twice a month cause more itching and flaking in the lon

Yep. Most vets recommend bathing no more than once every six weeks or so. See your vet for medicated shampoo.Does bathing a dog with an organic itch relief shampoo twice a month cause more itching and flaking in the lon
Washing a dog too often is not a good thing. Some people say twice a year should be good enough. If your dog is not dirty dont wash it. If you keep washing the dog they loose their natural oils and then they would get dry skin.Does bathing a dog with an organic itch relief shampoo twice a month cause more itching and flaking in the lon
It can especially if you do not rinse it completely or if the animal has especially sensitive skin.
my dog had a similar problem. he had really dry skin and we tried bathing him with an otmeal shampoo and it turned out that we were bathing him too often. we didnt give him a bath for about three months and we gave him a fish oil type solution for his skin on his food and now hes great!

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